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Bishop McNamara


Art: Mrs. Gocken


Art is an excellent right brained activity that has benefits for all children. It's not always about the final product but the lessons learned along the way. The children will gain the confidence to make good judgements and learn that there can be more than one right answer. They will learn that there are many perspectives out there and learn to be flexible as they work on projects that don't always go as planned. My motto is "there are no mistakes in art" and I always encourage the children to push forward and find solutions to these "problems."

Your children will also learn the terms to express what they inherently feel about a piece of artwork. "Art" is all around us and much more than markers on paper. From the way we decorate our homes or design custom gymshoes online, there are many creative decisions to make in life and by learning the language of art the children will be able to express their opinions verbally and put the terms to use in practical ways.

At Bishop McNamara, our commitment is to meet each child where they are and then ​to inspire them to realize their unique potential.  We look forward to watching our grow and learn during this school year!

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