Kankakee Tuesday Folder Updates

September 10, 2024

New Information

Speech Contest: There is an informational meeting on Monday, September 9 from 3:00-3:15 in the Black Box Theatre for any junior high students who are interested in participating in the IESA Speech Contest. The contest will be held Saturday, November 9, at St. Anne Grade school this year. 

Parent Ambassador Opportunity: If you are in need of parent ambassador hours sign up for the Progressive Raffle Virtual Call Night. The virtual call night will take place on Wednesday, September 25th. It's a great way to sell Progressive Raffle tickets while also earning parent ambassador hours.  If you are interested in signing up and learning more, email Meghan Elliott at melliott@bmcss.org.

Homecoming Parade: Friday 9/27; school will release at 9:50 for students to line up in front of the building to watch the parade go by.  Rides will be able to start picking up their students once the parade has passed. 

Fundraising Packets:
Thank you so much for your support of the Bishop McNamara fundraising program. Bishop McNamara families always go above, and beyond which positively impacts each and every one of our students. We want to make this year as fun and easy as ever! When your family reaches their fundraising goal, (by October 25, 2024) your student(s) qualify for the quarter zip to wear as part of their regular uniform. Orders will be placed after the second drawing in November. If your family did not receive a packet, please contact Meghan Elliott at melliott@bmcss.org

Patriots' Day Mass 9/11/24: Students and Staff from the 6th-12th grades are welcoming first responders and veterans to join them to celebrate mass together in their honor on September 11th, 2024 at 9:20 am in the school gym. All first responders and veterans can wear uniforms or church clothes, as they prefer.  Following Mass, all guests are welcomed to stay for donuts and coffee.  Bishop McNamara is proud to honor our Veterans, First Responders, and all those who lost their lives on this day twenty-three years ago. Please complete this RSVP for any guests that will be in attendance. Please complete one form for every guest that will be joining us.

Mac Pac: 🍀Wanna warm up with our cool fundraiser? đźŤ€Mac PACs first Fall Fundraiser is available to order now! Team Throws are a great way to show your school spirit at our upcoming outdoor sporting events! Scan the QR code on the flyer or check out the link to order. We also have a MacPAC Meeting coming up on Thursday Sept 12 @ 6:00pm in the Bourbonnais Site Library. Participating in Mac Pac meetings is a great way to stay informed of events and activities, share ideas and meet other parents. Also, please join the Mac PAC Facebook page if you haven't done so already.  Search "Mac PAC" on Facebook and ask to join.

Important Information

Text Messaging: In addition to the current urgent text messages, we are including texting as an additional way of communicating important information starting the 2024-25 school year. Email any contact above to OPT OUT of important non-urgent text messaging.

Daily Announcements: There will be daily announcements posted on our website at bishopmac.com/page/announcements.

Item Drop-offs: Parents needing to drop off something during the day, please make sure to drop off at the Main Office. Please make sure the item is marked with your student's name. 

Late Students: The Junior High doors are locked at 8:01 from 2:59. Please use the main doors on Brookmont Blvd. for any student arriving late or leaving early during the school day.

Leaving Early: Any student leaving early during the day for an appointment, etc.  please call the main office in the morning.  We will give your student a pass to get out of class.   They will then come to the main office to sign out.  Students need to be retrieved at the main doors on Brookmont Blvd..  

Spirit Wear Day: Each Friday we will have a Spirit Wear Day. Your student may wear uniform bottoms with any style Bishop McNamara Catholic School shirt. 

Attention New Families! Protecting God’s Children Seminars: All parent ambassadors/volunteers are required to complete a VIRTUS/Protecting God’s Children course before assisting the school.  If you are a new parent or have not completed the course please see the information below:
In order to volunteer in any capacity, i.e., classroom parties, lunch duty, parent work day etc. the Diocese requires certification. Please see the following steps for completion:
Step 1: Go to www.virtusonline.org to create an account.
Step 2: Accept and Acknowledge understanding of the Policy and Standards.
Step 3: Take the Protecting God’s Children online course through Virtus.org
Step 4: Give consent for the Name-Based Background Check through Virtus.org
Step 5: Fill out the Parent Volunteer Application

Parking Lot Procedures: For the safety of all of your children, we ask that you please follow the parking lot guidelines listed: Normal drop off time is between 7:30 and 7:45. Please remember that students should be dropped off at the west entrance. Junior High doors are off of Entrance Avenue (facing Meadowview). If you arrive after 8:00am please use the main doors on Brookmont Blvd. for any student arriving late or leaving early during the school day. Normal pick up is at 3:00pm.

Extended Day: Extended Day - Extended Day is available at the Bradley Site from 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm. The program only meets on days when school is in session. On days of early dismissal, there will be no Extended Day. Students from the Kankakee site will be bussed at 3:15 pm to the Bradley Site and need to be picked up there. Families can utilize the Extended Day Program on an as-needed basis. If you have not completed an Extended Day form, please print one from the website.

Payments: When submitting payments to the office we ask that you send separate payments in separate envelopes for each individual item (a check for hot lunch, extended day, field trips, etc.).  This is extremely helpful to the office as these payments are deposited into separate accounts. It is also appreciated that payments are in an envelope or attached with a staple or paper clip.  Thank you in advance for your willingness to assist the office in this matter. 

Fundraising and Events

Progressive Raffle: The first Progressive Raffle Drawing is 4 weeks away. The first drawing will take place on Friday, October 4th at Friday Night Lights with a grand prize of $25,000! Please turn in your sold tickets in the plastic envelope to your site's main office. If you need more email melliott@bmcss.org

HOW CAN I SUPPORT THE 41st Annual Gala?
Wondering how to support the 41st Annual Gala being held on Saturday, Nov. 2? Here is a link to the Class Basket wish list. Simply click the link here:  https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3O5FQE44D7SLE?type=wishlist
or use the QR Code on the flyer by clicking and purchase items from the AMAZON wish list – it will ship directly to school! No hassles. Volunteer opportunities coming soon! For questions, please contact Peggy Mayer (pmayer@bmcss.org) 

RaiseRight (formerly Scrip): Start earning tuition credit 2025-26 now! By using gift cards to pay for everyday (and not-so-everyday) expenses, each participant can earn over $1,000 each year. For every gift card purchased, you receive earnings, 50% of your earned rebate will be applied to next year’s tuition. Questions, contact Sandy Kuntz at skuntz@bmcss.org.

Market Day: Look for the monthly specials on the Market Day website (marketday.com)!

Homecoming: Save the Date! Homecoming is always a wonderful opportunity to connect! The celebration is open to students, alumni, families, friends, and the community. We look forward to seeing you! Mark your calendars for the Week of September 23-27. A list of events will be on the Tuesday Folder Portal soon. Check throughout the week!

Follow BMCS Online: Be sure to “like” Bishop McNamara Catholic School on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@Bishop McNamara) and Instagram(@bishopmcnamara).  Our website is www.bishopmac.com.

Important Dates

September 12: MacPac Meeting Bourbonnais Site library, 6:00pm
September 13
: Early Dismissal/Teacher Inservice 12:00
September 17: Student Council Applications Due
September 20: New Student Council Members announced during JH lunchtime
September 23-27: Homecoming Week
September 27: Homecoming Parade, Early Dismissal, 10:00am; Homecoming Football Game; Midterm PK-8
October 1: One Shirt Day
October 11: No School, Diocesan Faculty Institute
October 14: No School, Columbus Day
October 17: School wide Rosary Ceremony

students outside

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